Instituto De Liderazgo Rotario/Institut Rotarien de Leadership

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Potential Impact of RLI on Deaf Rotarians

The Rotary Leadership Institute continues to have world-wide appeal to Rotarians across the globe. District leadership in District 7120 have reached out to try to include deaf Rotarians from the Rochester Deaf Rotary Club in the RLI experience. For many years incoming President Elects from this unique Rotary Club have attended the day and a half sessions at Multi-District PETS held in upstate New York. Last month at the PETS lunch table we had a three-way discussion among the deaf Rotarians, a certified interpreter and interested Rotarians. The interpreter explained how video conferencing called IP Video Relay Service (IP-VRS) can reduce the costs of leadership training for this limited population of Rotarians. Such a proposed version of RLI would use the existing curriculum that all Rotarians currently use . The preparation on the part of the RLI facilitators would be extraordinary and designed to appeal to deaf Rotarians.
Using video conferencing this way would allow for other deaf Rotarians to participate in RLI. Imagine hearing about leadership development from the point-of-view of deaf Rotarians!

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