Instituto De Liderazgo Rotario/Institut Rotarien de Leadership

Sunday, April 21, 2013

RLI International, an R.I. Affiliate or Structured Program, How?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Jack Best, RI Director Talks About RLI

Recently, John "Jack" Best of Pennfield Rotary Club (Rochester area) sat down to talk with us about his appointment as Rotary International Director.  Jack has been a longtime friend of Rotarty Leadership Institute since the early days twenty years ago.  Listen to his informative discussion on the value of RLI to him personally.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

RLI Norfolk Energized Rotarian

There are now over 300 Rotary Districts that participate in the excitement of RLI on Saturdays across the globe.  Here is an example of an energized Rotarian who will likely take his knowledge and energy back to his club.  He attended a session in the RLI Division that covers Norfolk, VA.

Thank you

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

RLI/NEA Mid Term Meeting Successful

Rotary Leadership Institute of Northeast America (Home Division) held its yearly Mid-Term meeting at Fishkill, NY. on January 12, 2013.  Toni McAndrew, RLI/NEA Chair enumerated the successes of the Fall Term including the 663 Rotarians that benefited from the new curriculum last fall.  At the same time the well-attended event allows the RLI Board of Directors to plan strategies for the Spring Semester beginning March 2, 2013.  Vice-Chairs, Regional Vice-Chairs and District Chairs are interestred in using this blog to improve team communications among the three entities.  This will  allow RVC's the opportunity to use the site for sharing best practices and viewing the archives as a historical reference point.

The Curriculum Development Committee has advanced a new curriculum for the 2012-13 year including a very inspiring graduate session titled:  Transforming Your Rotary Club.  Anecdotal reports from this session describe this discussion as an appeal to our highest aspirations about our Rotary Clubs.  At the Fishkill meeting Vice-Chair, Ann Keim presented a spirited review of ways to present the graduate material on Transforming Your Rotary Club.

The next meeting of the RLI/NEA Board of Directors is scheduled for August 23-24, 2013 at Hanover, NJ Marriott location at hotel and time TBA.