Instituto De Liderazgo Rotario/Institut Rotarien de Leadership

Friday, March 22, 2013

Jack Best, RI Director Talks About RLI

Recently, John "Jack" Best of Pennfield Rotary Club (Rochester area) sat down to talk with us about his appointment as Rotary International Director.  Jack has been a longtime friend of Rotarty Leadership Institute since the early days twenty years ago.  Listen to his informative discussion on the value of RLI to him personally.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

RLI Norfolk Energized Rotarian

There are now over 300 Rotary Districts that participate in the excitement of RLI on Saturdays across the globe.  Here is an example of an energized Rotarian who will likely take his knowledge and energy back to his club.  He attended a session in the RLI Division that covers Norfolk, VA.

Thank you