Instituto De Liderazgo Rotario/Institut Rotarien de Leadership

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rotary District 7730 Conference First To Adopt RLI Legislation

The business session of the 2011 Dsitrict 7730 Conference adopted unanimously a proposed enactment to the 2013 RI Council on Legislation regarding The Rotary Leadership Institute.
This marks the first official aproval of the resolution by a District in the Rotary World.

The proposal asks the RI legislative body to request that the RI Board of Directors consider designating RLI as an "Official Affiliate" of RI or as a "Structured Program of Rotary", operated independently by clubs and districts individually or as multi-district service activities as provided for (by Rotary rules) and at no cost to Rotary.

The proposal was approved by RLI international and similar endorsements from districts around the world are being sought before the 2013 Council.

1 comment:

David Reynolds said...

How do we build support for this long awaited enactment?