Instituto De Liderazgo Rotario/Institut Rotarien de Leadership

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

District Governor Support Equals Success for RLI Programs

As we approach the 2011-2012 Rotary year beginning July 1st, we all have high expectations for the success of RLI. Incoming District Governors are the active ingredient in the success or lack of success of our programs in most districts. If District Governors are participants in the program and value the concepts of leadership development, they can foster appreciation for the program in the club members. District Governors Elect find the RLI spring-meeting-schedule can be utilized to complement the PETS program in the leadership training cycle for President Elects. President Elects who attend RLI meetings in addition to the PETS program are fortified with Rotary knowledge and networking opportunities that will prepare them for the year ahead. Member districts of RLI show their support with their yearly dues payments. Some districts show additional committment by budgeting funds for club members who otherwise might not attend. Investing in leadership development in this way results in membership retention and prepared leaders in the Rotary clubs for years to come.

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