Instituto De Liderazgo Rotario/Institut Rotarien de Leadership

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What's New in the RLI/NEA Curriculum for the Fall/Spring 2011-2012 Semester?

Effective public speaking is a valuable acquisition for those interested in motivating groups in Rotary and other venues.  District Governors are required to deliver highly effective speeches that convey the direction the district takes for the Rotary year.  Other Rotary leaders may need to develop their ability to give an effective speech.   The Graduate Session Course "C" of RLI/NEA offers a facilitated course on the elements of giving a good speech. The first part of the session ranks the fear of speaking before a group.  It is listed as the #1 fear on various lists.  The highlight of the course is the opportunity given to participants to prepare and deliver a five minute speech.  After ten minutes of preparation the class is allowed to present a speech of their choice or an assigned speech.  Experienced Rotarians at this level of the RLI curriculum tend to give effective talks that reflect their years of dedicated service in Rotary.  It was a pleasure to listen to the quality of the content delivered with true conviction and sincerity at the session that I was privileged to facilitate.  Mark Twain is credited with saying:  "It takes no more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu (without rehearsal) speech."  RLI leadership training over the years empowers attendees of these leadership sessions to deliver speeches that reflect the beneficial impact of the RLI training system.  Regional Vice-Chairs that have observed the graduate session on "Effective Public Speaking" can give more insight on this offering.


Frank Talk on Public Speaking-published by Reach Forward Publishing 2010
Elements of Great Public Speaking by MacInnes, J. Lyman
Dale Carnegie Courses